Sara & Chelsie share an artistic foundation rooted in traditional graphite work, yet both dare to expand our palettes with innovative techniques. These ladies join forces to offer a self-portrait workshop teaching foundational graphite methods, as well as how to achieve unique darkest darks, brightest brights, & subtle applications of color in an otherwise black & white medium. This mixed-media drawing workshop welcomes both serious beginning students & seasoned professional artists!
Workshop Dates: May 1-4th, 2024
Join us for Drawing the Self-Portrait, a workshop with instructors Sara Gallagher & Chelsie Murfee. This mixed-media drawing workshop welcomes both serious beginning students and seasoned professional artists.
Learn to create a full scale of values with graphite, graphite powders, and pastels - from smooth light, ethereal values to velvety darks, to subtle tones of color… The course will also focus on studying facial structure, assessing accurate values, and rendering fine detail.
This course offers:
Basic & advanced realism graphite instruction
An overview of each artist's favorite tools, papers, and mediums
An introduction to Sara's mixed-media graphite and PanPastel technique for creating detailed works with subtle tones of color
An introduction to Chelsie's mixed-media graphite technique for creating soft graphite ranges and warm, rich blacks
A mini personal photo shoot with digital images
Digital editing tips for creating strong reference photos
Group critiques and one-on-one consultation with each artist
Quality time with other creative souls
The course meets in the Ozark studio Wednesday, May 1st - Saturday, May 4th from 9am-4pm.
*Optional - Artist Dinner Out, Saturday Evening May 4th.
*Optional - Nature Walk & Sketch - Sunday, May 5th - explore the Ozarks with a gentle morning hike to the river and plein air sketching with Chelsie and Sara.